
The Confessing Church

Welcome to The Confessing Church website. We are currently in review of the content of the site and hope to have it online in the coming days.

A special thanks to the inspiration we received from the book and documentary ‘Letter to The American Church’ by Eric Metaxas. From this inspiration we have brought The Confessing Church to America. Established in 1934 The Confessing Church was the mouth piece for the body of Christ in Third Reich Germany as Hitler worked his way in to the church to corrupt what the word of God teaches us.

To keep our start up costs low, we are using a distributor to sell merchandise and materials that go along with an association to The Confessing Church. If you are interested the link above labeled Crackamade will take you to The Confessing Church part of the store. Currently we have some shirts, but more material is being developed and will be uploaded soon.